2024-25 Board Members

Kevin Ren
Vice President, Fireworks Chair
Hello! My name is Kevin Ren and I am now a senior in my 4th year in Alliance. I currently hold the position of Vice President and have previously chaired the Fireworks Booth and 5k. In my free time, I enjoy solving Rubik's Cubes and running. Alliance's commitment to giving back to the Keppel community influenced me to join after seeing their contributions towards my other clubs, such as FBLA and the cross country/track and field teams.

Sophie Kawakami
Vice President, Corresponding Secretary
My name is Sophie Kawakami and I am a senior at Mark Keppel. I am also a violist, the president of the MKHS Orchestra, the president of CSF, the co-president of MKHS Japanese Culture Club, and the corresponding secretary for NHS. Alliance has supported many of the organizations I've been involved in during high school, and I hope to give back to Alliance during my time in this organization.

Torrie Lin
Vice President, Grants Chair
My name is Torrie Lin and I am a senior. The positions I hold in Alliance are vice president and grants chair. Outside of Alliance, I am involved in a tutoring program called Monterey Vista Tutoring, where MKHS high school students volunteer to tutor elementary students. I am also active in MKHS clubs such as Mock Trial Association (MTA), NHS, and FBLA. Reading the numbers of how much Alliance donates back to the school every year was my motivation to join Alliance. The numbers are always impressive and make a difference in the clubs, sports, teachers, students, etc that benefit from the grants. I am eager to continue contributing back to my school and the community this year, and I look forward to working with everyone!

Blest Bangit
Records Clerk, Corresponding Secretary, FARMS Co-Chair
Hi, everyone! My name is Blest and I'm a senior! Within Mark Keppel's community, I am involved in its marching band, Key Club, National Honor Society, Science National Honor Society, and UNICEF! I joined Alliance because I saw the impact this organization has had and continues to have on Keppel's extracurricular activities. I look forward to working with you all!

Mindy Mao
Corresponding Secretary
Hi! My name is Mindy Mao, I’m a senior at Mark Keppel and am currently a corresponding secretary of Alliance. I am involved in our school’s marching band and several clubs including FBLA, NHS, and Key Club. I joined Alliance to be able to play a part in organizing Alliance's many events as well as give back to my school and community.

Jennifer Nguyen
Bake Sale Chair, FARMS Chair
Hello! My name is Jennifer Nguyen, and I am currently a Senior (12th grade). I am involved in various clubs including Theater Co., KPop Club, CSF, etc. I decided to join Alliance because I believe that Alliance gives the opportunity to learn many valuable skills such as leadership, teamwork, etc. Furthermore, I want to support incoming students and assist in providing them with a great school experience, which is what Alliance strives to do.

Aiken Zheng
Corresponding Secretary, Fireworks Chair
Hello everyone! My name is Aiken Zheng and I'm a senior. Apart from Alliance, I’m our marching band’s assistant drum major and saxophone section leader and a member of Tri-M but I also want to try out Science Olympiad and SkillsUSA for my final year in high school. Alliance is where people can give back to Keppel by participating in numerous fundraisers throughout the year that go toward our clubs and sports. I joined the Alliance because I loved how this organization has introduced me to the professional world while supporting my school.

Bryan Tam
Recording Secretary
Hello! My name is Bryan Tam. I am senior that is attending Mark Keppel High School. I am currently a recording secretary. I am a boy scout and have been a boy scout for about 6 years. I am also engaged in swimming activities outside of school. I joined the Alliance for self-improvement in my skills and as a person like improving my communication skills. I also want to contribute to my community by joining the Alliance.

Zena Tran
Bake Sale Chair
Hi, my name is Zena Tran and I’m currently a senior. I serve as one of the Bake Sale Chairs. I’m also a part of Mark Keppel’s basketball team as well as several clubs such as CSF, NHS, and Math Club. My favorite part about being in Alliance is being able to create new friendships and unforgettable memories while we are giving back to the community.

Shulammite Byun
Hello! My name is Shulammite Byun and I'm currently a senior at Mark Keppel High School. I am currently serving as an Ambassador in Alliance. In addition to Alliance, I'm also the Percussion Section Leader and Vice President of MKHS Orchestra. I am also Vice President of Tri-M and am involved in other clubs such as SkillsUSA, Red Cross, and Garden Club. My favorite part of Alliance is the opportunity to leave a positive impact by giving back to the organization that has influenced many of the clubs I am involved in.

Honming Leung
Recording Secretary
Hello! I'm Honming, a rising senior, and this will be my second year serving as one of your Recording Secretaries. In addition to Alliance, I'm also a member of Speech and Debate's Congressional debate team, which I joined in my freshman year. I first took interest in the Alliance when I saw an opportunity to take on a more active role in helping our community grow, specifically through the Alliance's fundraising campaigns for various academic activities. Through joining the Alliance, I've gradually gotten to know people who have passions that coincide with my own.

Victoria Yang
Bake Sale Chair, Corresponding Secretary
Hello, my name is Victoria and I am a senior this year. I joined Alliance to gain leadership experience while also giving back to my school and community. Alliance allows me to lead events such as the Bake Sales, which have taught me much about organizing events. Outside of Alliance, I am in Speech and Debate, Mock Trial, NHS, and FBLA. I’m excited to work with everyone!

Ryan Ly
Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary
Hello everyone! My name is Ryan Ly and I am a senior at MKHS. As a sophomore, I joined the Alliance's mission to improve the Mark Keppel High School community through fundraising. I am currently involved in NHS, Crown & Sceptre, United Sciences, and SNHS. My position as a Corresponding Secretary has taught me invaluable communication and organization skills that allow me to perform effectively when managing the connections of the Alliance. I look forward to another amazing year with the Alliance, and hope my contributions can bring a positive impact to the community!

Ryan Young
Recording Secretary
Hello! My name is Ryan Young and I am an incoming junior. The position that I hold in Alliance is Recording Secretary. Outside of Alliance, I am also involved in American Red Cross and FBLA, both of which are very fun and fulfilling clubs. I joined Alliance to give back to the organization that supports our school's clubs and facilities. For the past year, being in Alliance has also given me the opportunity to make new friends and participate in engaging volunteer activities.

Cheyenne Tougas
Hi, my name is Cheyenne Tougas and I am a Junior at Mark Keppel High School. I serve as a student ambassador. I am involved in the Theatre department at Keppel as Theatre Company’s Vice President and in the Choral department. I joined Alliance to help the MKHS community and help fund its extracurriculars and sports. My favorite part of Alliance is getting to learn life skills and what goes into fundraising.

Andrea Zheng
My name is Andrea, and I am a junior. I’m currently an ambassador for Alliance! At Mark Keppel, I’m in colorguard, FBLA, and ASB. My favorite part of being in Alliance is being able to participate in different fundraisers and sales. I love being able to volunteer through Alliance as well.

Jayden Phu
Recording Secretary
Hello, my name is Jayden Phu and I am a current senior. I am currently one of the Recording Secretaries in Alliance. I'm involved in many clubs at school like NHS and Key Club, and I am also on the tennis team. In my free time, I enjoy playing sports and hanging out with friends. My favorite part of being in Alliance is being able to raise funds to support clubs and make other fun activities possible during our school year.

Zishuo Zhou
Publicity, Historian
Hello! My name is Zishuo Zhou (also known as Zi/Joy) and I am currently a junior. In Alliance, I am part of its publicity team and a historian. I also participate in many other activities within Keppel such as art club, CSF, and NHS. In my free time, I enjoy hanging out with friends and drawing. My favorite part of being in Alliance is being able to meet new people as well as being able to play a greater role within my school and community.

Kyle Ohashi
My name is Kyle Ohashi and I am currently a junior at Mark Keppel. I serve as one of the ambassadors here in Alliance. Here at Mark Keppel, I am part of the schools Track and Field team along with the many clubs here such as CSF. Outside of Keppel, I enjoy hanging out with my friends and playing basketball. I joined Alliance to give back to my community and my school as well as improving my social skills with other people. I look forward to having a great year with everyone.

Brandon Vuong
Hi my name is Brandon I am a junior at Mark Keppel High School. I am in debate, swim, and a provisionary member of NHS. I joined Alliance to help secure funds for our school.

Anya Shafer
My name is Anya Shafer and I have been an Ambassador for Alliance for the past 3 years. In Keppel, I am also apart of CSF, NHS, CO 2025, GSA, and varsity soccer.

Samantha Tjiong
Ambassador, Publicity
My name is Samantha Tjiong and I’m currently a junior at Mark Keppel High School. I am part of Alliance, SkillsUSA, NHS, Scholarship Club, and I’m also on the school’s tennis team. I joined Alliance to improve my leadership and interpersonal skills, while also being able to be more involved in helping the community.

Kadence Au
My name is Kadence Au, currently a junior. I am also part of California Scholarship Federation and Parent Teacher Student Association. I joined Alliance because I wanted to help people around the school.

Ashley Phung
Hi! My name is Ashley, and I am a sophomore ambassador for Alliance. At Mark Keppel, I serve as a violinist in orchestra and a soprano in choir. I'm also involved in clubs such as math club, piano club, and art club. I joined Alliance to help our community and give back to the organization that has always supported my extracurriculars and clubs.